EGAIA BOX recognises 4 usual types of recyclable packages altogether in one time in 5 seconds. It prevents mixing recyclable wastes with other wastes and automatically compacts the packages to the bale of 30 kilogramms. Except the need of removal an overloaded bin with just 50 kg in it, the container could store up to 500 kg before cleaning.
Being a Waste Holder, you are not only saving on removal, but also accumulate scores to get the best discounts in the season. A beautiful explanation of eco-designed recyclable waste won't leave you alone with the choice, if this package is recyclable or not.
The body size of the actual hardware unit depends on a passability of the place of installation. The average loading of Max BOX with passability 300 people daily is 60 tons a year. Just imagine the flow and ease of sorting from pre-sorted fractions.
The Max BOX is ready for pre-order. Make your area of responsibility a leader of green innovations today!